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        作者:范迪安2013-04-15 11:04:38 来源:网络






             (载于1999《刘峰 何玮明 康宓谐(Michael Kalki)》专辑)



        Fan Di An

         It is a wonderful lucky chance to have three painters who come from different cultures to exhibit together and share a common art ground.Their works belong to each of their different worlds where people and things are incarnations of their spirit state.Their represent an unsurpassable natural environment in a cultural time which isn more and more compromised by popular culture.Within this environment,their language is expressionistic,simple,straightforward and natural.

           Michael Kalki paints shadow like figures,as if recording his experience of passing through cultural boundaries.I think,once he moved to Beijing,he was influenced by traditional Chinese culture which resulted in simple colours and written lines.The symmetric figures came from rubbing techniques and this effect caused an indefinable state between positive and negative.These characteristies originate from modern art and traditional Chinese deep meditation.

          He Wei Ming and Liu Feng’s artistic language originates fromg chiness traditional literati painting,but they dwell in the reality of the present age.This leads them to defend their own singular stand and connects them with traditional culture.Liu Feng blends poetic prose with paint and his style which discusses the untitled results in a fulfilling space.Compared with him,He Wei Ming yearns even more for an ideal state whtere figures he paints are pure and transparent as mirror images.

          There are many similarities between China and Germany,in terms of cultura empathy and artistic language.Even though this is a three-person exhibition,it has made people understand the deep artistic communication between the two countries.

        Beijing,November 1999

        Fan Di An

        Deputy President of Central Academy of  Fine Arts Beijing

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